Laura Manning
Financial Administrator
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Laura Manning is responsible for the daily operations and financial administration of the First Fairfield, overseeing project management and communications. As a member of the team, she coordinates the development of projects and refines the organization’s activities among internal staff and clients.

Manning’s experience encompasses a variety of industries, including real estate, accounting, and investments. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business computer science from Barrington College.

Manning will be handling the finances for When People Work.

Laura Manning
Financial Administrator
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Laura Manning is responsible for the daily operations and financial administration of the First Fairfield, overseeing project management and communications. As a member of the team, she coordinates the development of projects and refines the organization’s activities among internal staff and clients.

Manning’s experience encompasses a variety of industries, including real estate, accounting, and investments. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business computer science from Barrington College.

Manning will be handling the finances for When People Work.